Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Requirements for a Professional Tea Specialist

Basic education Junior Secondary School Graduate or above.

Added qualification
Good understanding of culture and sharp vision for arts.

Knowledge of famous tea breeds, famous springs and tea culture, which includes tea preservation methods, judging tea's quality, etc.

Ability to instruct tea tasting and Asian tea sets properly. Ability to choose the right quality, amount and temperature of water and choose appropriate tea ware, and be able to demonstrate and introduce all kinds of professional tea-making processes.

Others (additional requirements)
Ability to recommend proper tea pastry for customers; be able to choose or arrange relevant music, costumes, flowers, incense etc., to create fitting atmosphere.

Major abilities of tea specialist
Good language skill, fairly good interpersonal communication and perception ability, sharp sense of smell, sight and taste. Tea specialist is a comprehensive profession, which popularizes tea culture and provides tea service as well as relevant art performance.

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